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Posts published in “Film Critics”

Our critic’s notebook: all the news of the films, our critical opinions, our moods, …

Throughout the year, we try to transmit our passion for cinema to you, through this critical notebook. You won’t find all the movies, only the ones we want to talk about!

We classify the films according to 3 levels of appreciation:

We highly recommend:

These are films that we liked a lot. They are in our eyes at least good. We find there our favorites and of course the masterpieces (see also on this subject our cult films).

We recommend:

You will find there films that we liked a little, and that we want to support despite their small defects.

We don’t recommend:

In this category, you’ll find films that didn’t interest us, or that we frankly disliked. These are our disappointments. At Mag Cinéma, we want to respect the authors, and the work done. So we try not to use this appreciation so much, we prefer in general not to make a criticism when a film appears to us without interest, or contrary to our tastes. But sometimes, we have our blows of gueule, and have a voice different from what you can read elsewhere in the press!

SUNDOWN by Franco, a little taste of The Stranger

Michel Franco's new film Sundown belongs to this category of films where the mystery and the unspoken aim to question the spectator in the depths of his thoughts. The film embraces great sad themes: illness, ultra-violence, social differences. The dark vision of our world put on the screen by Michel Franco who likes to blur the tracks (paradise lost), borrows much from Camus, and especially from the foreigner.