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Wild diamond

A film by Agathe Riedinger

With: Malou Khebizi, Idir Azougli, Andréa Bescond, Ashley Romano, Alexis Manenti, Kilia Fernane, Léa Gorla, Alexandra Noisier, Antonia Buresi, Francesca Giromella

Liane, 19 years old, daring and fiery, lives with her mother and little sister under the dusty sun of Fréjus in the South of France. Obsessed with beauty and the need to become “someone”, she sees reality TV as her opportunity to be loved… Fate smiles upon her when she auditions for “Miracle Island”.

Wild Diamond, in competition at #cannes2024 for its first half-hour, shows great promise. A lovely theme, an all-round actress, interesting direction, a look that “feels” – in short, good highlights that didn’t escape the selection committee’s notice. But the narrative, after this exposition, loses its way, aiming for suspension, the climax clearly designed to get off track, to surprise, but which, using overly hackneyed devices, produces the exact opposite effect: a dramatic beaconing, too much predictability, and above all an “ah bah mince alors” effect… Other possibilities would have pushed us a notch above the perfect first film for #uncertainregard.

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